• final audio design heaven iv fihe4    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 亨優電子股份有限公司

      ...s, and other audio accessories. We focus on both the functional electronic design and aesthetics to provide a quality, reliable product that we are proud to offer!必公司進行紅外線無限麥克風播音系統的研發與製造, 無須外派海外, 合作的客人以北美及香港東南亞一...

      電話:07-3210227    地址:高雄市三民區九如二路583號12樓
    2. 蘇林立建築研究室

      ..., 2003研究室作品涵括公共建築,私人建築以及室內設計 The design includes Public architechture, Private design & interior作品極為強調設計概念之發展與具體之實踐,概念發展著重原創與嚴謹,不論是透過基礎結構之表現或是最後細部設計以及材...

      電話:04-22518695    地址:台中市南屯區干城街115巷3弄16號
    3. 竣嘉股份有限公司

      For over 20 years of experience in custom-design,R D production departments pay a lot of attention to the meticulous design of the internal structure as well as the extermal physical attractiveness of each cases. Care has been taken that our casers are safe from electromagnetic interference and rad...

      電話:03-3592017    地址:桃園縣龜山鄉東萬壽路624號3樓
    4. DS AUDIO 工作室


      電話:07-3854465    地址:高雄市三民區淵明街七號
    5. 元泰發實業有限公司

      ...tested development methodology, domain experience, and strong battery pack design expertise. We are experts in the Lithium ion battery pack, having successfully deployed over thirty SQL implementations in the past year alone. * A tested system development methodology – Skypower’s engineering tea...

      電話:02-82511960    地址:新北市板橋區雙十路2段79號9樓之2

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